Saturday, 30 May 2015

A Whole Lot of Change

I went out into the garden a couple of days ago with my camera and macro lens. The garden is looking beautiful at the moment with the flowers out in full bloom. I find that flowers are great to photograph when I want to do abstract photography. They have such delicate lines and the shapes are like brush strokes when they are slightly out of focus. I just love this style!! This is a macro shot of an Aquilegia which is more commonly known as a Columbine.

This next photo is of an Azalea and when I was taking this photo I was thinking of my sister because she is obsessed with pink and I was thinking this might be a nice print for her as I don't usually take photos of such bright pink plants because they often look too bright and in your face but I think this one is slightly more subtle and has different shades of pink.

Most of my photography work is done in my garden which is excellent because it means I don't have to spend any money on travel or have to carry all of my equipment around. I have always loved my garden as it is quite large and there is just so much to look at it and my family has owned this house ever since I was born. Unfortunately my mum is wanting to move back to Somerset and in the next few weeks she will be putting the house up for sale. I don't want to move to Somerset because Norfolk is my home and is where all of my friends are so this means that I will finally have to move out and find a place on my own. 

The only problem is, is that I am currently unemployed and very low on funds after my travels! I've been applying for quite a lot of jobs but haven't heard back from any yet which is very frustrating so it's starting to stress me out as I don't feel ready to move out and become an adult yet and even if I was. I wouldn't be able to afford it. 

It's strange because there is part of me that is excited about getting my own place and being able to decide how I'm going to accessorize my flat but then there's another part of me that is dreading it and I'm really worried that I will be really lonely living by myself. I'm not very good with dramatic changes and I just feel like everything that was solid in my life is now falling apart and I'm not too sure how to handle it!

I suppose the best way to deal with it is to stay positive and keep telling myself that I can do it! I will get a job and I will cope living on my own!! The most important thing is that I stay happy and I enjoy life!

If any of you have been through similar things with moving out and job problems then I would love to here them! Leave a message or email me at

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